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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Le Château Des Plaisirs

Le Château Des Plaisirs
(Diary of Lust)

1998 / Thriller / Sci-Fi / Romance / Drama

Movie information
This film appears to have been prepared for late night screening in hotels rather than for the local cinemas, but even so viewers should be entitled to expect some semblance of quality in their purchase. Regardless of the target audience, this must be one of the most preposterous pieces of garbage which has ever been released to the silver screen. The scriptwriter had not got a clue, the director did not appear to have any idea of how to create a film, and the cast seemed incapable of acting. In these circumstances the photographer probably did not do too badly. If I rank this film I have to award it at least 1/10, and I can do so with a clear conscience only by making it clear that this mark is justified solely by the photography.

Movie Cast
Susan Featherly, Mia Zottoli, Caroline Key Johnson, Julia Kruis, Chris Johnston, Aric Cushing
Watch Le Château Des Plaisirs Diary of Lust - 2002 - Online Free

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