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Monday, January 16, 2012


Les Ames Damnees
2001 / Romance / Drama

Movie information
Reminiscent of Lars von Trier's TV work, "The Kingdom," this hour-long series is set inside a prestigious hospital in Boston which is haunted by the ghosts of past medical experiments. As is often the case with these hybrids, "All Souls" doesn't quite work as either a medical drama or a supernatural thriller, but the mix offers intriguing possibilities and may attract a loyal (though probably small) following. Two members of the cast stand out: Irma P. Hall lends strength and substance to whatever scene she's in and one hopes to see her role expanded in future episodes, and Grayson McCouch -- the bright spot in the short-lived "Legacy" series -- makes an attractive and appealing hero, especially when the writers strive for an "A" in Anatomy by contriving scenes which allow him to take his shirt off. .

Movie Cast
Adam Rodriguez, Christian Tessier, Faniel Cosgrove, Irma P. Hall, Grayson McCouch, Serena Scott Thomas, Reiko Ayles worth, Jea Leclrec, Alexander Bisping, Gouchy Boy,
Watch Les Ames Damnees - 2001 - Online Free

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