Waisetsu Suteji: Nando Mo Tsukkonde
(Blind Love)
2005 / Thriller / Romanc
Movie information
I watched this aware that it had won a number of awards and this possibly lead me to expect too much but I certainly did not think it as good as the same director's, 'A Lonely Cow Weeps At Dawn'. It does, undoubtedly have much of the quirkiness of that film and much of the charm. Unfortunately it is not quite as easy to follow and would appear to have a couple of elements seemingly lost in translation. The concept of a blind girl and a ventriloquist has appeal but this does not go in the expected direction and rather a lot seems to be made of height. The nakedness and sexual activity is refreshingly naturalistic and there is some humour that a western audience can share, I just feel I may be missing something here. Tokyo location shooting was a welcome bonus.
Movie Cast
Yutaka Ikejima, Yota Kawase, Konatsu, Shota Kotaki, Horyu Nakamura
Watch Waisetsu Suteji: Nando Mo Tsukkonde Blind Love - 2003 - Online Free
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