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Friday, January 13, 2012


Sogni Erotici Di Cleopatra
1985 / Romance / Drama

Movie information
When I turned eighteen (many years ago) I wanted to watch my first dirty film. So I went to the cinema. Amazingly, no one was masturbating. I have to say this film was a bit of a let down, in fact my father-in-law's holiday films from the late 70s are better: both in terms of the people and the actual quality of the film. This is low, low budget, no talent involved. And I actually do think that the blend of sex and violence is fairly nasty. Surprsisingly, the horse-scene passed the censor. Don't get over excited- the other review describes it fairly well. Just another fairly such 80s Italian offering. Cheap and nasty. I'm happy I did not turn gay after my first dirty film.

Movie Cast
Marcella Petrelli, Rita Sila, Jacques Stany, Andrea Coppola, Maurizio Faraoni, Paul Branco, Franca Torlone, Jac Perac, Filippo Perrone, Annie Trevilly, Monica Ciprari, Flo Astair, Alessandra Tani, Laura Angeli, Nadine Raussiel.
Watch Sogni Erotici Di Cleopatra - 1985 - Online Free

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